If you have ever had to purchase a new windshield you know
how expensive they can be. Not to mention that waiting for the repair man can
feel like waiting for the cable guy. There is a cheaper and less time consuming
way to make sure that your automobiles windshield holds its structural integrity,
windshield repair.
Chipio can fix most cracks in a windshield that are less
than 6 inches long (the length of a dollar bill). A crack beyond that has already compromised the
windshield making it unsafe and should be replaced. Using a resin compound
Chipio is able to seal the crack which restores the windshields integrity and
prevent the damage from spreading. Although this is not a cosmetic fix there is
a great chance that the damage will be less noticeable. The repair process
normally takes under 20 minutes.
Chipio technicians are located in many major cities throughout
the U.S., offering our services at gas stations, car washes, military instillations
and retail stores. We provide our service with no appointment needed.
The cost of the repair is normally covered by your insurance
company under your comprehensive coverage. Most deductibles are waved for the
repair, meaning that the insurance company will pay the cost of the repair, so
there is no out of pocket cost.
If you do not have comprehensive coverage on your policy,
your insurance company does not waive the cost of the deductible or you would
rather just pay out of pocket cash options are available also.
Please feel free to call our customer service line at (480)
371-3164 and a representative will be happy to assist you with any questions or